Heeley Parish Church

Making Love Known


We would be delighted to hear from you.
Christ Church Heeley, 
151 Gleadless Road, 
Heeley, Sheffield, 
S2 3AE

t: 0114 255 7718
e: Click here to send us an email 

Curate in Charge
Revd Amy Hole
t. 07482135061
e. curate.heeleyparishchurch@outlook.com

Church Warden
Stephen Adams
t: 07904151269
e.  steve@darkpeak.com

Church Warden
Simon Bell
e: snbell62@icloud.com

Joanne McCarthy 
 t. 07391 269985
 e: joanne.christchurchheeley@gmail.com

Children and Families Worker

Laura Passo

t. 07768703168

e. laura.passo@centenaryproject.org.uk