About Us
Heeley Parish Church, or Christ Church Heeley, as it is sometimes known, has been serving the people of Heeley for over 170 years! You can read more about the history here. During that time, many changes have taken place in our community, but the church is still here, at the heart of it all. And on 1st August 2021 the parish church began to serve the enlarged parish of "Heeley with Arbourthorne and Norfolk Park".
Our strap line 'MAKING LOVE KNOWN' reflects our desire that our lives be transformed to be more like Jesus Christ, and we seek to help one another along the way.
Our values are bible based and you can see them on our 'values' page.
Our key priorities in mission right now are to:
1. To maximise the use of the new facilities for the purpose of promoting health and well-being in the community, improving financial viability, and exploring creative ways of being church.
2. To grow and develop the Families and young people’s programme.
3. To grow the Cell Group network to 20 in 4 years.
4. To deepen the prayer life of the church
1. Growing the community hub.
2. Growing families and young people.
3. Growing cell groups.
4. Growing in prayer