Heeley Parish Church
We are committed to high standards in the safeguarding and care of children, young people, and vulnerable adults.
parish safeguarding policy may be found by following this link.
Church Services
Our main act of worship is at 10:45 each Sunday. This includes groups for children and youth. You will be made to feel very welcome. This service is livestreamed to Facebook and YouTube. (except 3rd Sundays of the month).
Café Church on Sunday mornings
On every third Sunday our main morning service at 10:45 is All-Age Café Church. There's always something for everyone, we get to know one another and God better together. Come and make friends, enjoy some fun, and learn more about trusting in Jesus. No long sermons a this one!
About Heeley Parish Church
We love to welcome visitors and will help you to make new friends. We will help you to worship God, to learn about God and yourself, and, if you wish, to serve him by using your gifts and talents. We offer contrasting styles of worship, small groups for discussion and support, a fun packed family programme, special activities and groups for children and youth, and lots of opportunities for fellowship. We'd love to get to know you!
Social Media Links
Click here for our Facebook page