Heeley Parish Church

Making Love Known


We are so thankful for the generosity of those who give financially to support the mission and ministry of Heeley Parish Church.

Those who give provide the church with the resources to grow as a church family and to reach out to Heeley and beyond.

The Bible teaches us about giving; money is just one demonstration among others, but a very important one. Having the finances available means we can continue to bless our community, fund the many projects and events that we run or support, as well as the normal day-to-day running of the church family.

We try to make giving easy and encourage the use of Gift Aid.

Most of our givers donate by Standing Order, others use the weekly envelope scheme, and others put cash on the plate. 

If you wish to give by Standing Order or make a one-off donation via your bank, either online or by telephone. The account details for Heeley Parish church account are as follows:

Christ Church Heeley No2 Account

Sort code 05-08-43        A/C.  37 117 042      Virgin Money.

Follow the link for a summary of what the bible says about giving

Get In Touch

For more information on the ways you can give or become a regular giver to Heeley Parish Church, please complete the form below and a member of the team will be in touch.