Heeley Parish Church

Making Love Known

Video and Photo Consent form

Christ Church Heeley Parochial Church Council (PCC) uses photography, sound and moving images to share its worship online, and to promote its work. Images may appear in publications, on the PCC website, marketing and on display materials.  Photographs may also be released to the media. Videos may be used on the PCC YouTube channel, FaceBook Page, Instagram and website.

 By completing this form you are consenting to the PCC using your image in publicity materials related to our work.  These images may be held in electronic storage devices, servers or in hard copy.  The PCC has a Data Protection Policy governing this storage of information, copies are available on request and on the website.

I am over 18 years old and give my consent to my image and voice being used in the PCC’s promotional material.

 First Adult

 First Name:  Last Name:

 Second Adult: 

 First Name  Last Name: 

 Date completed :

For those under 18 this additional information needs to be completed by a parent or guardian:

 First and Last Names of children:


Date of birth of first named child: 

Date of birth of second named child: 

Date of birth of third named child: 

Date of birth of fourth named child: 

If any Children are 16 or over, please also confirm their consent:

Click if consent of all 16 or 17 year olds given:  

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