Worship is at the heart of all that we do. We believe that our life together and our shared mission in the world should flow out of our worship of God uniquely revealed in Jesus Christ.
We are called to be disciples of Jesus Christ and that means he is our Lord, our role model and inspiration, but it also means that we seek to depend upon the Holy Spirit who empowers us in our discipleship.
In the book of Acts we learn that the first disciples of Jesus who chose to follow him after his death and resurrection devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the fellowship of believers, the breaking of bread and to prayer. This is our inspiration. We are called to follow Jesus in the same way today.
Rooted in our local community, we are a church family of all ages. We are very diverse in our ethnic origins, needs, callings, and circumstances. We value all people, and everyone is welcome. We fully endorse female ministry and believe that we are less that complete if both sexes are not properly represented in leadership.
Our commitment to scripture, mission, evangelism and discipleship are foundational to our faith. We welcome Christian disciples from other traditions and want to learn from them, growing together in passion and love for God. We are open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit and to women's ministry.
We are called to proclaim afresh the good news of Jesus in our generation and the world we live in is very different to the world of the New Testament. Being confident in the promises of God in the Bible we like to explore all that it means to be a follower of Jesus today. We welcome those who are less sure of what they believe and want to make space for those who doubt or disagree. We are all on a journey and learn together.
We long to be in tune with the re-creative, restorative and reconciling work of the Spirit of God as we participate in God’s mission in the world, and welcome the prophetic and healing work of the Holy Spirit today. We love to see answered prayer.
We have been loving God and our local community in Heeley for over 170 years, but through the Anglican Communion our roots and traditions can be traced back to the earliest church. We wholeheartedly belong to the Diocese of Sheffield and work ecumenically with other Christian churches when we can.
We have been given much, both spiritually and materially. We recognise our responsibility to share our faith, and to bless others with the resources God has given us.